Free Domain in Nepal

The .np domain is the country code top-level domain for Nepal. It is controlled by Mercantile Communication Pvt. Ltd. You can obtain and register Free Domain or any secondary .np domain in Nepal. You can choose .np domain according to your choice and business. There are many secondary level .np domain for example,,,,,,,,,, and others.

DNS propagation can takes up to 48 hours or even more in some case.

Domain registration

with .np ccTLD is free of cost and you can obtain it from Mercantile Communication. To obtain FREE domain registration, you need to have a citizenship certificate for personal domain and PAN certificate and company registration certificate for business use. You will also need cover letter to request free .np domain in Nepal. Besides these all you should also have already purchased web hosting or obtain name server from your web hosting provider. Since you need to enter name servers at the domain registration process ask for your web hosting company. You can find sample documents at the end of this post.

Free Domain in Nepal

Any citizen of Nepal can register a personal domain for their personal use and business domain for their organization or industry which are registered by Nepal Government for free. Free .NP domain is domain is maintained by Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. Before starting registration once you need to go through .NP domain registration Terms and Condition and np-ccTLDS page.

Required documents for personal domain
Scanned copy of citizenship or passport or voter’s card or driving license.
Required documents for organization or company domain
Scanned copy of letter written on company’s letter pad with stamp and authorized officer signature.
Scanned copy of registration certificate issued by Office of the Company Registrar, Nepal.
Scanned copy to verify that annual tax of company is maintained.

Registering .NP domain

Note: First of all you will need to get a hosting to host your website. If you need hosting you can check our post Paid Hosting Websites to Start a Blog or Website and Free Hosting Websites to Start a Blog or Website.

  • Personal domain
  • Visit .NP domain registration official website.
  • Type your desired domain and choose,, which one you wish.
  • A box will appear below showing your desired domain is available or not available.

If domain is not available try different one, if available drag the box to basket on the top of left column.
Fill the login username, valid E-mail.
Click on register.
Now you will receive an E-mail with link to continue with registration process which can be used only once [ If you clicked the link and was unable to process further due to slow internet connection or any other reason you will need to start from the beginning].
Attach necessary documents, fill information of your address and at least two hosting nameserver eg.,, you can get these nameserver information on your hosting website
Submit the application.
Wait for E-mail from Hostmaster if your domain registration was accepted.
If the domain registration was rejected they will provide a reason in E-mail, Correct the problem and reapply for domain.
Note: Personal domain must your name or part of your name. If any extra character is added they are not accepting your domain registration. It may take upto 3 days to get your domain approved and activated.

Click Nepal’s official .np Domain Registration

To request free domain registration in Nepal, check the below steps.

It takes a working day or even more to approve your request.

Step 1: Go to “” and check the desired domain availability. Click on search Button to check

Step 2: You will see domain status. If it is available click on Register button.

Step 3: Click on Create User

Step 4: Enter your details and click on Create Account.

Step 5: You will see success message “Thank You for Registering! Please check your email to activate your account”.

Step 6: Check your email and click on Verify.

Step 6: Now you need to sign in using your previous details.

Step 7: Fill the domain request form.

Step 8: Submit the required documents and continue.

Step 9: Check your domain status. It takes a working day or even more to approve your request.

After your domain is approved check the name server. DNS propagation can takes up to 48 hours or even more in some case. You can find cover letter for .np domain registration below.

Now you will receive an E-mail with link to continue with registration process which can be used only once [ If you clicked the link and was unable to process further due to slow internet connection or any other reason you will need to start from the beginning].
Attach necessary documents, fill information of your address and at least two hosting nameserver eg.,, you can get these nameserver information on your hosting website

Cover Letter for free .np Domain Registration (Request Letter for Registration)

Free Domain in Nepal