English anniversary wishes quotes :- Wedding anniversaries are a special occasion for couples to celebrate their lifetime commitment and love for one another. It’s a celebration of love and joy. Love gives meaning to life and marriage is a living commitment to the demonstration of the ideals of love. Expressing is very important. If you send your sentiments to your friends in a card or in social media, you are sending a message that will never be forgotten. They can always look back on your loving wishes, but finding the right words can be difficult. If you are at a loss for words, here are some great wedding anniversary wishes for friends that you can share.

English anniversary wishes quotes

Sticking t? each other f?r 25 years; L?ving endlessly ?nd cherish each ?ther. Y?u are great ?arents. We l?ve you! ?appy Silver Jubilee ?f wedding..L?ve is what ?akes two pe?ple sit in the ?iddle of ? bench when there ?s plenty ?f room at ?oth end

Marriage is like a dollar bill. You can’t spend half of it when you tear it in two. The value of one half depends upon the other. Happy Anniversary

For all this time I have been putting this puzzles of my life, then I realized, the last piece is you

Love is just a word until you find the right person to show it to.

The first time I looked in your eyes I knew that I would do anything for you, The first time you touched my face, I felt what I never felt with anyone else.

Happy Anniversary to the most amazing man I’ve ever known! Thank you for loving me, for me. I love you.

Marriage is like a pack of cards. In the beginning it was hearts and a diamond, now all I’m wanting in my hand is a club and a spade.

Another year of ups and downs. Here we are going strong and still so in love. Happy Anniversary my Love. I am so happy to be spending my life with you.

You have been the most remarkable wife on earth, more fabulous and stronger than superwoman. And on this special day, I want you to feel and see how a blessed husband I am. I love you sweetheart. Happy anniversary!

To the ?est couple I know ?’m wishing you all the ?est And love each ?ther to the fullest ?appy Anniversary!

From the first time we met I knew we were meant to be together God put us together and that way it “ill stay Happy Anniversary honey

We decided to wish you life so full of problems that you can strive against, a lot of difficulties to overcome and satisfaction for years to come.

My days are happier because of you. Knowing I have you to love gives my life greater meaning. Happy Anniversary day my love!

Bu Status & Quotes

Theres always that one person whod do anything for you. that`s the one you should marry

A successful married always life requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person.

May this day of your anniversary make your relation stronger and lovelier. Wish you a happy anniversary.

Marriage is like a pack of cards. In the beginning it was hearts and a diamond, now all I’m wanting in my hand is a club and a spade.

Anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.

Anniversary: A time to celebrate the beauty, the gift, and the blessing of enduring love.